˙RSFTSTYL80vBReviews of Modern Physics-TS4űűPhysicsűű şThis is the style for Reviews of Modern Physics Style based on instructions found at... http://d22izw7byeupn1.cloudfront.net/files/rmpguide.pdf Journal Section letters should be included in the Journal field. EndNote does not have the ability to add Ed. or Eds. correctly after the year value, due to limitations of the plurality variable. This will need to be manually performed. Currently, the Ed./Eds value is going to appear directly after the Editor information. űű!X"(#$%&"(#/$%&:Reviews of Modern Physicsűű:American Physical Societyűűvhttp://d22izw7byeupn1.cloudfront.net/files/rmpguide.pdfűű$ !hpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !xXydzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~  , et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!"hpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$ , and !xXydzd{  , !|$ , and !uX}~  , et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!#ź °Ą˘ t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—„‘’ “”  "űű!• ," űű!–—t‘’ “” •  űű!–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—h‘*’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— ĐĄ˘Ŕt‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  űű!–—€‘ ’ “”  (űű!•  , !–—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  ).!• –— Ą˘t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—‘’ “” •(  thesis !–—˜˜ €‘ ’ “”  (űű!•  ).!–— ŒĄ˘|t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—x‘’ “” in űű!• –—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “”  űű!• –—‘ ’ “”, edited by !•  űű!–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—h‘’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  )űű!• –—|‘’ “”$ , p. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— €Ą˘pt‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—x‘’ “” in űű!• –—Ä‘’ “” •l  , !X"(#$%&"(#$%&–—‘ ’ “”, edited by !•  űű!–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  )űű!• –—|‘’ “”$ , p. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— ÄĄ ˘´Œ‘’ “” •4 ", Ed.,^Eds., űű!–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  űű!–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  )űű!• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— źĄ˘Źt‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—x‘’ “” in űű!• –—‘ ’ “”, edited by !•  űű!–—t‘’ “”  (űű!• –—t‘ ’ “” •  , !–—h‘ ’ “” • –—t‘’ “”  )űű!• –—|‘’ “”$ , p. űű!• –—t‘’ “”  .űű!• –— ˜Ą%˘ˆt‘’ “” •  , !–—t‘’ “” •  , !–—˜‘’ “”0  unpublished.!• –˜˜ —$%'p°ą`˛łP´ľś´ľś´ľś&e()L|t‘+’ “”  , !• –—|t‘"’ “”  , !• –—|t‘’ “”  , !• –—°¨‘’ “”P >, edited and translated by űű!• –—*@œ0 ; űű!213  Ą˘ü€‘’ “”  (űű!•  , !–—t‘’ “” •  )űű!–—A  Ą˘üt‘’ “” •  űű!–—€‘’ “”  (űű!•  )űű!–—4Xpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw B$  and űű!C$  and űű!5X°ąH˛ł8´ľś´ľś64ĐŃŇ  -űű!7dŕá  ; !âĺćç č 8X}~, et al.€‚, . . . 9:;  , !<=B>?@xPQZ  , !RShpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!Thpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!UVWY ŔÁÂĂÄ$ Ibid.!Ě„|‘’ “”$ Ibid.űű!• –—Ĺ$ Ibid.!ĆÇ ČÉ ĘčShpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!Thpqrsƒt¸xXyzd{  , !|$  and űű!xXydzd{  , !|$  and űű!uX}~, et al.€‚, . . . vw ---űű!ËU[H  `ab<dc, Anonymousűű!(@ABC `đńňóôőö÷řůú